Unreached Network

Unreached Network Foundational Training

For those exploring, preparing or finding their way 

Whether you are currently working with Unreached People Groups or whether you would like to be in the future, this course is for those who want to broaden their horizons and learn more. 

The Unreached Network Training is a 10 month zoom training programme for those exploring cross cultural mission at their home base or overseas  


The Unreached Network Foundational Training is suitable for anyone who wants to grow in cross cultural mission and understanding.  


Open Evening 24th March

Price Break 20th April

applications close 20th July


Global Humility

Biblical Basis of Mission


Breath and Reflect

Storytelling and Orality

Communicating Cross Culturally for the sake of the Gospel

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

Apostolic Lifestyles

Globally Diverse Church and Mission 

Longevity in Mission


If you have any questions you can email 

info@unreached.network to speak to one of our team. 

Open Evening

24th March,  7pm UK, Online

Interested in our Foundational Training or Internship programme?

Join us for an interactive evening. 


Open Evening 24th March

Price Break 20th April

applications close 20th July


10 Monthly zoom training sessions with experienced speakers, reading and assignments.

10 group mentoring sessions to support your learning, development, calling and walk with God. 

Optional connection points at other Unreached Network trainings and events.

Costs: £840 (or £966 after 30th April) including course books

Allow 4-6 hours per week on average

Please check this document for all dates and times. 

* A detailed outline of responsibilities between the participant, the Unreached Network, the Church and the Mentor can be found on this sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Please check this carefully and pray about this with your church leaders who know you well. You will need your church leader’s blessing and their agreement in principle to the contents of the MOU before you apply.


“I have appreciated walking more closely with others who are also in a journey into full-time cross-cultural mission overseas and also locally. Also the high quality training and diverse insights from different contexts.” Joanna*

“I have a better understanding what my task as cross-cultural worker could look like in practice.  I used to think I was open-minded. I realised that I was not. I still have much to learn and certainly there are still blind spots, but I feel much more open to approach a foreign context with a much more open mind.” Antoine*

“I have a clearer vision for what God is calling me to do.”  Samuel*

“I have been captivated afresh by God’s love for me and the nations!”  Hope*

*Names changed for security.


Our aim is to make this training as accessible, flexible and interactive as possible, so please get in touch if there’s anything we can do to help to accommodate.  

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@unreached.network before applying.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Application form

Open Evening 24th March

Price Break 20th April

applications close 20th July


Before you apply


Please discuss this application and the contents of the MOU with your church leaders before applying.

Make sure they endorse you for this programme at this time in your life and are happy to give you a reference.



Please book in a call with us at www.unreached.network/connect to discuss your application before you apply.



Once you are ready, fill in the form below and make your payment.


Once the form has been filled in and payment has been received, we will discuss your application with your church leaders.


Unless we have agreed otherwise. the deposit is due when you submit your application and the balance is due on acceptance.

Please follow these simple Payment Instructions