Unreached Network

A Growing Greek Adventure

Jonathan and Sarah Crowhurst update us on the latest developments in Athens, Greece.
Please join with as we partner with them in prayer and give practically where we can.


A multilingual team…

We continue to pray for a multilingual team as we are increasingly reaching out to people from many different countries.

If you know someone who can speak Greek, Persian, Arabic or Turkish that might be interested in helping us here in Athens, please let us know.

We are particularly seeing growth in the number of people coming from Arabic speaking countries. There is also interest from some in learning English and we continue a small weekly conversation class which definitely has capacity to grow if we could provide a greater selection of times and sessions. 
Victoria Square “inreach”   

To give you a glimpse of the opportunity, on the Friday before Christmas, we extended outreach in Victoria Square to include “in-reach”. We had the usual team outside with tables for chess, tea and coffee as well as a team inside with a hot and cold buffet and Christmas music ready to welcome people in to eat, play games and chat!

It was amazing to see many people we have already got to know and new faces come into our Centre for the first time. From locals to refugees we shared with people from Greece Afghanistan, Egypt, Yemen, Cameroon, Iran and Syria. 

On Christmas Eve, some of the families we had just met on Friday came back and joined us for carols, a bible story and lunch!

We are now hoping to do something similar on a monthly basis. If we had more team, we would love to be able to resource this at least weekly if not more! 

So will you join us in prayer for a growing multi lingual team this year to reach out to the local community. 
Growing partnerships 

We have some great opportunities to explore growing partnerships.  Both in outreach to the red light district and in ongoing discussions about employment and enterprise projects. 

It has been wonderful to look back and celebrate that we visited 105 women last year through our weekly visits to brothels. After pioneering, a couple of events in the Autumn, the team is now considering using our Centre for a weekly evening drop in.

For the employment and enterprise project, we are in discussion with the Salvation Army about how we might work together to help people find jobs or start businesses. As a starting point, we are exploring how we could work with those that come to our English conversation class. We hope to learn about their skills and find them work experience opportunities with local businesses and entrepreneurs. 

Please pray for wisdom, direction and funding as these projects expand and develop. 

We would appreciate it if you could pray for: 
– A growing multilingual team to share God’s love with the nations on our doorstep
– Growing partnerships to see the Victoria Square Apartment become a base for increased use as a Community Centre for:  Weekly outreach and in-reach to share community, refreshments, worship & bible stories
– Capacity to offer more English conversation sessions
– Development of plan and resources to provide work experience and employment opportunities

Thank you

Thank you to all those who are giving generously and praying for us. We really appreciate your support and encouragement. 

If you would like to partner with us financially by one off or regular support please contact us via info@unreached.network.