Unreached Network

The Unreached Network

to the ends of the earth – ‘till the end of our time here on earth

Scroll for videos and testimonials

Open Evening 24th March

Price Break 20th April

applications close 20th July

Open Evening

24th March,  7pm UK, Online

Interested in our Foundational Training or Internship programme?

Join us for an interactive evening. 


Whether going to your neighbours, or to the other side of the world

Whether leaving school, taking a career break or relocating family

 What can you do to playour part in reaching the Unreached?


Training Modules

10 Monthly zoom training sessions with experienced speakers, reading and assignments.

Global Humility

Biblical Basis of Mission


Breath and Reflect

Storytelling and Orality

Communicating Cross Culturally for the sake of the Gospel

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

Apostolic Lifestyles

Globally Diverse Church and Mission 

Longevity in Mission


Please also allow 4-5 hours per week for study, plus placement hours and 3 online or in person weekends with the Unreached Network in September, January and July

These monthly modules run alongside the Unreached Network Foundational Training


The Unreached Internship programme offers participants 1:1 access to an Unreached Mentor to support your learning and development, help you to explore calling and encourage your personal walk with God. 

You will also have opportunities for regular connection and networking opportunities with the wider Unreached Network family to tap into their collective wealth of wisdom and experience.

 There will also be opportunities to serve with some of our Unreached Network sphere events, conferences and to join in with other Unreached Network in house training.


Flexible and Practical

Your placements or ours.  

Full or part time on-the-job training.

Help your local church to engage with unreached peoples on their doorstep, or explore somewhere new.

Spend a few months in different locations, or commit to one location with additional visits. 

We have a bank of placements all over the world and in the UK

The possibilities are as endless as your imagination, so don’t be afraid to dream. 

optional extras

Understanding Islam (One Saturday per Month, online and in person)

Teach English for Mission TESOL (One evening plus 5 hrs private study per week)

Other Unreached Courses (See our events page for more details)

Learning outcomes

 “To grow in ‘mission literacy’ in both understanding and skill, 

being able to relate cross-culturally for the sake of the gospel.”

Walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8)

Walking humbly with people (Phil 2: 5-8)

Engaged in local mission (Acts 1:8)

Engaged in global mission (2 Cor 5:17-20)

Developing your personal call (Jer 1:5)

Training and Learning (Matt 28: 19-20)

Training or teaching others (2 Tim 2:2)

Language (Acts 2:9-11)

‘You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.’ Acts 1:8

costs & funding

£30 non-refundable application fee (deposit) is due with the application.

The balance of £1856 (or £1610 if you apply before 30th April) is due upon acceptance to the course (after your interview). This fee includes conference fees and books, but does not include transport. 

If you would like to talk about a payment plan then please note this with your application, or email karen@unreached.network.


We understand that taking time out to learn can be daunting and costly,  but we hope this doesn’t put you off! We’ve put together these helpful guides to help, and our team is also available to provide advice and support as needed. 

Generating Support Use this handout as a tool to consider how you might generate financial, spiritual and emotional support for the year.

Budgeting Spreadsheet Download this and use it as a guide to help look at overall costs for the year and help with budgeting.

Email us at interns@unreached.network for help and support


Supporting information

kid, praying, muslim-1077793.jpg

Open Evening 24th March

Price Break 20th April

applications close 20th July

Open Evening

24th March,  7pm UK, Online

Interested in our Foundational Training or Internship programme?

Join us for an interactive evening. 




After spending many years working cross culturally in one of the poorest states in India, I thought coming back to the UK was just a time to wait. 

But, this year on the Unreached internship I find that my world is being flipped upside down.

Relationships have been formed with people from other cultures on my doorstep which have been so life giving.

A highlight for me has been to see the church rise up and get involved.

Read more of Lucy’s story here


Jesus has  gently challenged and magnified in my heart the importance of stepping into relationships with people who are not like us – people from different nations, backgrounds, faiths and cultures. I hope that as you consider an Unreached Internship that God will stir a desire within you to take his gospel to those from other nations, those who are on the margins and those who are different. 

Read more of Rebekah’s story here 


I am being reminded of the centrality of the Great Commission and making disciples. It is not that I didn’t believe that before, but my focus was elsewhere. I am sure there are more lessons to learn and there will be. 

Perhaps what I will find is that the opportunity to serve God in a different context changes ‘unreached’ parts of my soul, mind and heart.

Read more of Ian’s story here 


My placement is in a new multicultural church plant; as it is in its early stages, there are lots of opportunities for participation. To facilitate the various cultures represented, we worship and pray in various languages and we fellowship together after church with a shared lunch. During the week I help out at a mum’s and toddlers’ group and an English class, which has afforded me opportunities to befriend ladies from various cultures in the surrounding community. 

Read More of Joy’s* story here

*real name changed 


How can a place capture you completely?

This enormous place! Nowhere on earth puts you back in your insignificance quite like it.

The pace will leave you shellshocked, the sounds, colours, heat, language, bells, animals racing towards you until you can bolt that door.

Read More of Will’s story here


My Internship consists of a placement one day a week and for this, I am placed at Hope Church, Luton. As part of this, we are running children’s holiday events, with our next one coming up at Easter. 

At Christmas, we ran our first holiday event. It was a success, we had a good turnout and we all had lots of fun together playing party games, getting creative with crafts, decorating biscuits, hearing the Christmas story, and acting it out.

Read More of Kristina’s story here

airport, transport, woman

Much to gain, everything to loose. Mark 8: 34-38

Join us and talk to our team at interns@unreached.network