Unreached Network

A school that changes lives. How can you support?

King’s International School started in 2007 as an early years centre in Kampala, Uganda.

The school began as a result of its founder, Naomi Davidson, working with street families. She witnessed young children spending their days on the streets, picking up street habits. She believed that if she had an early years centre for the young children to go to in the day, they may be prevented from learning street life. Preventing habits is much easier than breaking habits.  She also saw that championing education through skills development would change mindsets and encourage the young people to grow and develop into interdependent creative adults.

Naomi also saw that if she created a school with high standards, those that could afford to pay would want to send their children and their income could be used to supplement the fees of others who were less fortunate and those who might have the potential to live on the streets.

Since 2007, Naomi grew the school a year at a time from early years to primary and now secondary.

King’s International School has a unique vision. Sowing seeds, changing mindsets, breaking cycles, valuing and pursuing growth and building community.



These are all powerful attributes that when implemented successfully will change lives.



During the Covid-19 season, schools in Uganda were closed and business owners were impacted. King’s International School lost a lot of children. This impacted the scholarship section which had to close.

We want to rebuild our scholarship program to help break cycles in the slums around Kampala. We are looking for a team who will help strengthen King’s so we can build this program again.


Job Opportunities


We are looking for a head teacher who will implement these values but who will also bring strong academic structures, raising the standards of teaching and learning throughout the school.


We are looking for an Accountant who also holds these values and can help us develop our financial structure in order to develop the whole school.


We are also looking for someone who has construction skills that can help us develop our premises and raise the standards in our facilities.

Vision and Values

Kings International School is very passionate about providing an education that has very high standards. We want to be outstanding in the classroom and the learning environment.

Naomi really believes that education is a powerful way to sow seeds of the faith into young children’s lives, which in turn will grow as they grow. 

She also believes that it’s an opportunity to change mindsets which will have a ripple effect in communities. 

Schools can be a daunting place and can be a mixed environment of all sorts causing painful and uncomfortable situations due to what children are exposed to.  King’s is passionate about creating a safe and vibrant environment where each child learns to respect one another and values each other.

We believe that growth is an important value to focus on and we want to make sure we continually provide systems and structures that support every child to grow and develop.

We also believe that community is a powerful space for every individual and it’s very important to us that we keep building this in at King’s International School.

We are looking for a team who compliments this.

Email Naomi Davidson naomi@kingsinternationslscool.com.

Contact Kings International School through their  website or Facebook page