Unreached Network

More than Politics 

Serbia faced tragic loss this year, with two mass  shootings, the first of which was by a 13-year-old boy in his school.

People have been  genuinely traumatized. The  country has not faced  anything like this before and it’s been a trigger for the  political situation to come to  a head. 

The picture above shows one of several regular protests in Belgrade against violence.

Normal people have reached tipping point and are willing to go out on the streets to show their dissatisfaction with the state of affairs.

They are tired of systemic corruption,  the lack of media freedom and the unhealthy culture of violence that is being promoted in the country.  These are peaceful protests.  

Serbia needs the gospel of  hope more than ever.

Please pray for us in Serbia.

Here’s a link that explains a little  more:

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/tens thousands-serbia-protest-mass-shootings-government policies-2023-05-27/ 

This one’s a bit longer:  

https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/19/europe/serbia mass-shootings-gun-violence-protests-intl/index.html 


Sonja Stojanović  

Good News Church, Niš 

email: englishsonja@gmail.com