Unreached Network

Unreached22. Gather. Exchange. Scatter.

This year’s Unreached Conference will be online again, and registration is now open!

What we, like so many other groups, have found is that gathering online gives us the opportunity to have a truly global conversation about mission. Reaching the unreached with the gospel should be, and is, a multi-polar endeavour, a conversation enriched by numerous perspectives, diverse voices, Christ-exalting stories and powerful examples of contextualisation, from brothers and sisters all over the world.

That’s what Unreached22 will feel like. Like a bustling silk-road city where dusty travellers from diverse far-flung places re-connect, swap stories, trade goods, and re-supply ready to hit the road again. There will be Biblical teaching, prayer, updates, seminars on best practice across a vast array of topics. There will be inspiration, information, connection; the renewing of old friendships and the forging of new ones.

Obviously, there will be more details to follow; announcements of speakers and subjects. But for now, why not book in and secure your place? Why not make sure the dates are in your diary?

Unreached22. Gather. Exchange. Scatter.

Friday 17th June. 18:00-21:00 UK time / Saturday 18th June. 08:00-16:00 UK time.

Online via Zoom.

Details and registration here