“For you shall expand to the right and to the left, And your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited.”
Isaiah 54:3 (NKJV)
Where do we go? We’ve got 3 simple places you could start. Have somewhere on your heart? Write to us at www.unreached.network/contact-us and let us know.
This blog post is part of a series. You can read the Introduction and parts 1 and 3 here
1. The Whole earth
In Romans chapter 15 Paul writes that, “I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, “Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand” (Romans 15:20-21). In this video Scott teaches us that, in our generation, it is still a godly ambition to want to preach the gospel where Christ is unknown.
This video is part of the Biblical Basis for Mission module on the Unreached Network’s Going Training Track on the broadcast church planting platform. You can access the course here: The Godly Ambition to Preach Christ where he is not yet known.
From Genesis to Revelation, the call of God to fill the whole earth with his glory is clear. We must consider those who are yet to hear, who live in areas where the chances of hearing the gospel is tiny, where no flyer for a carol service or messy church will come through their door and where there is no Christian colleague wanting to live the life of Christ to those around them. We must go.
2. Desolate cities
“I am in no doubt that the unreached, those who are yet to hear, those who are at the margins, are at the centre of where God would put his energies and efforts.”
Simon Walker Hear More
Maybe you’ve heard about those hardest to reach places with hostile terrain, inhospitable people and a foreign language to learn. The costs are high on our emotional, financial resources, on our time, on our families and on our prayers. The spiritual investment will be significant to us but of such significance to the kingdom!
When starting any venture we weigh up the pros and cons. Will pursuing this course of action bring returns? Will it ultimately be worthwhile? Upping sticks to somewhere far from our home culture demands a realistic assessment. The cost to ourselves and those around us should not be dismissed and it’s not always possible to prepare for every eventuality. There will be days of wanting to give up, days when the enemy tells us we are not enough, days without progress or encouragement. Any cross-cultural worker can tell you about the frazzled nerves, emotional fatigue and depleted personal resources.
Remember though, God’s words about a city that one missionary actively avoided; ‘Should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people…’ (Jonah 4:11) Preparation and getting counsel is wise and so is going, against the odds and armed with a realistic picture of the difficulties, when you have heard God’s voice. There is cost and there is reward.
3. Start where you are
We don’t have to look too far to find the unreached. So many from unreached people groups are coming to us!
For example, ⅓ of the top 60 non-British populations in the UK, originate in the 10/40 window and this equates to 1,354,000 people. (Figures taken from statista.com) All over the world we are seeing thousands of people from the 10/40 window coming to our homes, towns and cities. Churches are becoming more multicultural and the good news is reaching many people from people groups whose home lands are hard to visit. We should not underestimate how God can use us for his kingdom through migration, wherever you are.
This is a significant harvest field.
Do you have stories to share about what God is doing where you are? Would you like to connect with others who are working with those from unreached people groups? Get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
This blog post is part of a series. You can read the Introduction and parts 1 and 3 here
The Unreached Network works with Newfrontiers churches to help engage unreached people groups all across the globe. The Unreached Network is a hub of encouragement, good practice, resources, cross-cultural training, prayer, raising awareness while supporting those who are sending and church planting. Our main agenda is to keep the priority of reaching unreached people groups on the agenda for our Newfrontiers family of churches. Connect with us to find out more about how we can support you as you explore how you can also play your part. www.unreached.network/contact-us.