Jacob’s easter moment
In Genesis 29, the patriarch Jacob rolls a stone away. It’s a foreshadowing of Easter morning in multiple ways.
In Genesis 29, the patriarch Jacob rolls a stone away. It’s a foreshadowing of Easter morning in multiple ways.
Some reflections this Easter on these verses from the crucifixion story. Mattthew 27:6-7 But the chief priests, taking the pieces of silver, said, “it is not lawful to put them into the treasury, since it is blood money.” So they took counsel and bought with them the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. …
This year, Ramadan has fallen over the same month as Easter. Rebekah, part of the Unreached in the UK team at Redeemer Church and an English teacher at Open Doors International Language School (ODILS) in Plymouth, shares how her ESOL classes have been learning about these two celebrations. This year, Ramadan has fallen over the …
The resurrection appearances in John’s brilliantly crafted narrative bring to poetic conclusion so many themes. There are multiple reiterated ideas from John’s gospel itself which find their climax in Chapter 20, as well as deeper underlying, intertextual, Biblical-theological ideas. Consider the significance of it being “the first day,” (20:1, 19), light and darkness (20:1), seeing …
The Man, The Woman and the Garden: Easter Reflections from John 20 Read More »
Here’s a Turkish Resurrection Song from Yaşam Kilisesi, “Life Church” in Istanbul. The song is called Dirildin, “You Rose.” It’s part of a 2015 Easter album called Diriliş Ezgileri, “Resurrection Songs.” Enjoy!