Unreached Network

Assessing Pastoral Care Needs

Many pastors are necessarily experienced in pastoral care in their own contexts, but not many have experience with the unique challenges that cross-cultural workers face when preparing to leave, when living and landing overseas or returning to their home culture.

In caring for your workers, you are helping them to stay overseas for longer.

It is recognised that a sending church and team leaders may have limited expertise to properly assess and equip the going person in light of the potentially dangerous, difficult and complex situations they may face. It is advised that the sending church seeks guidance from experienced professionals to assist them with this. 

Some mission agencies offer psychological health and physical health assessments, as well as ongoing care that is tailored to serve cross cultural workers.  

This list of recommended organisations and resources have been put together for you by members of the Unreached Network.

Is there something we’ve missed? Please let us know at info@unreached.network.