Unreached Network

Global Humility on Broadcast


The aspect that needs training, more than any other, in cross-cultural workers, is attitude.

But there is a particular perspective, a certain capacity, without which entering a new culture to bring the gospel is impossible. The requisite capacity is an ability to handle grey (anyone crossing cultures quickly learns that not everything is black and white and that categories from before cannot be used), an appreciation of diversity, an honouring of others. We can call this Global Humility.

Andy McCullough’s book Global Humility is made up of 6 sections, and these 6 training modules on broadcast follow the same order. For each section, Andy argues from three perspectives:

  • Experiential/pragmatic argument: what
  • Missiological argument: how 
  • Theological argument: why

Some key themes:

  • The goal of mission is indigenous expression of ancient truth.
  • In Christianity, it’s the strong who should change, and not the weak.
  • Contextualisation is inversely proportional to responsiveness.
  • Jesus spent 30 years listening and 3 years talking. We can’t turn up with all the answers when we don’t even know what the questions are.
  • The difference between Christianity and Islam is diversity in incarnation.

Buy: the book Global Humility: Attitudes for Mission

Engage: with the training modules on The Broadcast Network

Read: the Book Review