Unreached Network

Quiz: How Intercultural is the Worship in your church?​

“The beauty and power of praise that will come to the Lord from the diversity of the nations is greater than the beauty and power that would come to Him if the chorus of the redeemed were culturally uniform.”

John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad, page 222, published by Baker Books

You can read more from the Songs2Serve Website, including tips, training and resources.

You can also find more resources like this on the Unreached Network Resources Page.

Here is a short extract from the Songs2Serve site.

The Holy Spirit proved through the ages that He loves to use our times of singing together. He is using it as a powerful tool to find the lost and comfort His people. A whole book in the Bible is about singing to the Lord with our hearts.

God created all cultures and wants all cultures to worship Him. 

Before the throne of God, we will worship the Lamb together. And still, our tribe and tongue will be recognizable there.
Because: diversity reflects the work of our Creator and brings Him glory.

Our churches become more and more diverse. As the cultural makeup of our countries, cities, and churches is changing, our worship styles should also change, to speak to the hearts of our people. 

An intercultural church is a community that reflects, embraces, and enjoys the diversity of its context, and by the power of the gospel transcends it and creates one new community in Christ where unity in diversity is celebrated (based on the definition of M4 Intercultural). 

Intercultural worship helps people from different cultures to worship God together and connect with him and one another.

The mission of Songs2Serve is to make intercultural worship accessible